Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Anton Wilhelm Amo's Philosophical Dissertations on Mind and Body

The Oxford Handbook of Rhetorical Studies

Managing Microaggressions
Addressing Everyday Racism in Therapeutic Spaces

Richard Whitford's Dyuers Holy Instrucyons and Teachynges Very Necessary for the Helth of Mannes Soule

Making Sense in Engineering and the Physical Sciences
A Student's Guide to Research and Writing

Medical Nihilism

The Shadow of the Black Hole

City, State
Constitutionalism and the Megacity

The Cognitive Autopsy
A Root Cause Analysis of Medical Decision Making

Theoretical Ecology
concepts and applications

The Life of Words
Etymology and Modern Poetry

The Essential Mozi
Ethical, Political, and Dialectical Writings
Thomas Carlyle: The French Revolution
A History

Hold On
The Life, Science, and Art of Waiting

The Irish Buddhist
The Forgotten Monk who Faced Down the British Empire

The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI

Effective Field Theories in Particle Physics and Cosmology
Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School: Volume 108, July 2017

Postpartum Mental Health Disorders: A Casebook

Human Behavior for Social Work Practice
A Developmental-Ecological Framework

Global Political Economy

Changing Trends in China's Inequality
Evidence, Analysis, and Prospects

Faces of Inequality
A Theory of Wrongful Discrimination
Post-Hellenistic Philosophy
A Study of its Development from the Stoics to Origen

The Earliest Commentary on the Prophecy of Habakkuk

The United Nations and Human Rights
A Critical Appraisal

Conscience in Reproductive Health Care
Prioritizing Patient Interests

Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Equity

Schelling's Philosophy
Freedom, Nature, and Systematicity

Global Environmental Politics
Understanding the Governance of the Earth

Sweet and Clean?
Bodies and Clothes in Early Modern England
