Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Engineering Economic Analysis
Canadian Edition

Fiscal Federalism
A Comparative Introduction

Understanding Social Inequality
Intersections of Class, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Canada

Memoirs of Emma Courtney

Companion to Clinical Neurology

Mindfulness and Social Work

Understandings of Ideologies

Physical Geography
The Global Environment

Personality Theory

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XXXVI
Introduction to Game Theory
International Edition

Canadian Poetry from World War I
An Anthology

World Religions Today
Canadian Edition

Program Evaluation for Social Workers
Foundations of Evidence-Based Programs

Human Neuroanatomy
A Text, Brain Atlas, and Laboratory Dissection Guide

A Canadian Perspective

Bioeconomics of Invasive Species
Integrating Ecology, Economics, Policy, and Management

The Concise Canadian Writer's Handbook

The Biology of Coastal Sand Dunes
Communication History in Canada

Environmental Impact Assessment
Practice and Participation

Words and Thoughts
Subsentences, Ellipsis, and the Philosophy of Language

The Devil Is a Travelling Man
Two Plays by W.O. Mitchell

Disability and Christian Theology
Embodied Limits and Constructive Possibilities

Well-Being for Public Policy

New Pragmatists

Social Research Methods
Canadian Edition

Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative Medicine

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Unjust Enrichment

The Myth of the Shrinking State
Globalization and the State in India