Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Canada and the British Empire


Gender Relations in Canada
Intersectionality and Beyond

The Emergence of Distinctive Features

Social Capital
An International Research Program

Language 8

The Evolution of Resource Property Rights

Beyond the Carbon Economy
Energy Law in Transition

Landownership in Eastern Germany Before the Great War
A Quantitative Analysis

Weakness of Will and Practical Irrationality

Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation
International and Comparative Perspectives Volume V

The Phonological Enterprise

Minetown, Milltown, Railtown
Life in Canadian Communities of Single Industry

Connection, Compromise, and Control
Canadian Women Discuss Midlife

Introducing Sociology
A Critical Approach

I Brought the Ages Home

Good Reasoning Matters!
A Constructive Approach to Critical Thinking

Language 7

Labouring Canada
Class, Gender, and Race in Canadian Working-Class History

Social and Political Philosophy
Classic and Contemporary Readings

The Oath in Greek Society

The Mechanism of Evolution

Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Public Policy in Canada
An Introduction

Phi-Features Across Modules and Interfaces

Law and Practice of the United Nations
Documents and Commentary

The Linji Lu and the Creation of Chan Orthodoxy
The Development of Chan's Records of Sayings Literature

The HIV Pandemic
Local and global implications

The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes
Performing Pasts
Reinventing the Arts in Modern South India

Tracking Strategies
Towards a General Theory of Strategy Formation