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Oxford University Press

Books from this publisher

Cognition, Evolution, and Behavior

by (author) Sara J. Shettleworth

The Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World

by (author) John Peter Oleson

International Political Economy

A Reader

by (author) Axel Hulsemeyer

Managing the Margins

Gender, Citizenship, and the International Regulation of Precarious Employment

by (author) Leah F. Vosko

Chronic Kidney Disease

A practical guide to understanding and management

edited by Meguid El Nahas & Adeera Levin

The Making of Social Theory

Order, Reason, and Desire

by (author) Anthony Thomson

Romantic Antiquity

Rome in the British Imagination, 1789-1832

by (author) Jonathan Sachs

Evidence, Proof, and Fact-Finding in WTO Dispute Settlement

by (author) Michelle T. Grando

Arbitration Law Reports and Review Series Pack (2001-2006)

edited by Stewart Shackleton

Reasons of Identity

A Normative Guide to the Political and Legal Assessment of Identity Claims

by (author) Avigail Eisenberg

Essential Law for Social Work Practice in Canada

by (author) Cheryl Regehr & Karima Kanani

Making Sense in Geography and Environmental Sciences

A Student's Guide to Research and Writing, Revised with up-to-date MLA and APA Information

by (author) Margot Northey, David B. Knight & Dianne Draper

The Collected Poems of Amelia Alderson Opie

edited by Shelley King & John Pierce

Fundamentals of Computational Neuroscience

by (author) Thomas Trappenberg

Substance Abuse in Canada

by (author) Marilyn Herie & Wayne Skinner

Religion and Reconciliation in Greek Cities

The Sacred Laws of Selinus and Cyrene

by (author) Noel Robertson

New Homelands

Hindu Communities in Mauritius, Guyana, Trinidad, South Africa, Fiji, and East Africa

by (author) Paul Younger

Knowledge in an Uncertain World

by (author) Jeremy Fantl & Matthew McGrath

The Fraser


by (author) Bruce Hutchison
introduction by Vaughn Palmer

The Canadian Writer's Handbook / Document Guide for the Humanites Pack

by (author) William E. Messenger, Jan de Bruyn, Judy Brown & Ramona Montagnes

Songs of protest, songs of love

Popular ballads in eighteenth-century Britain

by (author) Robin Ganev

Introduction to Applied Algebraic Systems

by (author) Norman R. Reilly

Seneca: De Clementia

edited by Susanna Braund

Curtius Rufus, Histories of Alexander the Great, Book 10

introduction by J.E. Atkinson
translated by J.C. Yardley

Edmund Burke, Volume II


by (author) F.P. Lock

Calvin at the Centre

by (author) Paul Helm

Candide en Dannemarc, ou loptimisme des honnetes gens


edited by Edouard Langille

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy Volume 37

edited by Brad Inwood

You're Hired...Now What? Workbook

An Immigrant's Guide to Success in the Canadian Workplace

by (author) Beverley Payne & Terry Webb

Creating Meaning Upper Intermediate

Reading and Writing for the Canadian Classroom

by (author) Kathy Block & Hannah Friesen


by (author) John G. Benjafield, Dan Smilek & Alan Kingstone

Panic Disorder: The Facts

by (author) Stanley Rachman & Padmal de Silva

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