Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Evaluation of Competence to Stand Trial

Adapting to European integration?
Kaliningrad, Russia and the European Union

India Analysed
Sudhir Kakar in Conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo

Imagining the Fetus the Unborn in Myth, Religion, and Culture

A Field Guide to Communication

The Customs Law of Asia

Electromagnetic Scattering from Random Media

Corporate Ownership and Control
British Business Transformed

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - The Major Works

Medical Miracles
Doctors, Saints, and Healing 1588-1999

The Education of Henry Adams


Before Prozac
The Troubled History of Mood Disorders in Psychiatry

Polin Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 21: 1968 Forty Years After

City of the End of Things
Lectures on Civilization and Empire

Personal Wealth from a Global Perspective

Tales of the Elders of Ireland

Aurora Leigh

Canadian Perspectives on the Sociology of Education

Introduction to Statistics for Canadian Social Scientists

Food Contaminants
Mycotoxins and Food Allergens

Severe and Hazardous Weather in Canada
The Geography of Extreme Events

Engineering Communication
From Principles to Practice

Canadian Courts
Law, Politics, and Process

Health Measurement Scales
A practical guide to their development and use

A Weekend Memoir

Building Media Relationships

Edmund Burke
Volume I, 1730-1784

Polar Lakes and Rivers
Limnology of Arctic and Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystems

Computer-Assisted Reporting
A Comprehensive Primer

Effective Communication for the Technical Professions