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Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Books from this publisher

Anxiety Disorders

An Information Guide

by (author) Neil A. Rector & Danielle Bourdeau

Traitement de maintien à la méthadone : Manuel du client

Manuel du client (version révisée)

by (author) CAMH

Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Client Handbook

Client Handbook, Revised

by (author) CAMH

The Forensic Mental Health System in Ontario

An Information Guide

by (author) Shannon Bettridge & Howard Barbaree

Working with Immigrant Women

Issues and Strategies for Mental Health Professionals

edited by Sepali Guruge & Enid Collins

Improving Our Response to Older Adults with Substance Use, Mental Health and Gambling Problems

A Guide for Supervisors, Managers and Clinical Staff

by (author) C.A.M.H. Healthy Aging Project
foreword by Benoit Mulsant

Families CARE: Helping Families Cope and Relate Effectively

Facilitator's Manual

by (author) Christine Sloss & Sukhi Bubbra


Understanding the impact of prejudice and discrimination on people with mental health and substance use problems

prepared for publication by Centre For Addiction And Mental Health

A Family Guide to Concurent Disorders

by (author) Caroline P. O'Grady & W.J. Wayne Skinner

Les Préjugés

Comprendres les effets des opinion preconcues et de la discrimination

prepared for publication by Centre For Addiction And Mental Health

Exposure to Psychotropic Medications and Other Substances During Pregnancy and Lactation

A Handbook for Health Care Providers

by (author) Centre For Addiction And Mental Health
with Motherrisk

Highs & Lows

Canadian Perspectives on Women and Substance Use

edited by Nancy Poole & Lorraine Greaves

Essential Writings in Violence Risk Assessment and Management

edited by Hy Bloom & Christopher D. Webster

Exposure to Psychotropic Medications and Other Substances during Pregnancy and Lactation

Handbook for Heath Care Providers

by (author) CAMH & Motherrisk

Exposition aux psychotropes et à d’autres substances pendant la grossesse et l’allaitement

Ressource pour les fournisseurs de soins de santé

by (author) CAMH & Motherrisk

Poser les bonnes questions 2

Parler avec les clients de leur orientation et de leur identité sexuelles dans les établissements de santé mentale, de traitement de la toxicomanie et les cabinets de counseling

by (author) Angela M. Barbara & Gloria Chaim

Asking the Right Questions 2

Talking about sexual orientation and gender identity in mental health, counselling and addiction settings

by (author) Angela M. Barbara & Gloria Chaim

What Parents Need to Know about Teens

Facts, Myths and Strategies

by (author) David A. Wolfe

A Family Guide to Concurrent Disorders

by (author) Caroline O'Grady & W.J. Wayne Skinner

Ce que les parents doivent savoir sur leurs adolescents

Faits, mythes et strategies

by (author) David A. Wolfe

Asking the Right Questions 2

Talking with Clients about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Mental Health, Counselling and Addiction Settings

by (author) Angela M. Barbara, Gloria Chaim & Farzana Doctor

Growing Up Resilient

Ways to Build Resilience in Children and Youth

by (author) Tatyana Barankin & Nazilla Khanlou

Acting Out

Understanding and Reducing Aggressive Behaviour in Children and Youth

edited by David A. Wolfe

Highs and Lows

Canadian Perspectives of Women and Substance Use

edited by Nancy Poole & Lorraine Greaves

Les Jeunes, les drogues et la santé mentale

Ressource pour les professionnels

by (author) Elsbeth Tupker

La Psychose chez les femmes

Guide d'information

by (author) Pamela Blake, April A. Collins & Mary V. Seeman

Having a Party

prepared for publication by Centre For Addiction And Mental Health

Quelle approche adopter envers les personnes âgées confrontées à des problèmes de toxicomanie, de santé mentale et de jeu

Guide à l’intention des intervenants et des bénévoles

prepared for publication by Centre For Addiction And Mental Health

Responding to Older Adults with Substance Use, Mental Health and Gambling Challenges

A Guide for Workers and Volunteers

prepared for publication by Centre For Addiction And Mental Health

Vous recevez des amis “

Conseils judicieux pour réduire les risques que courent les hôtes

prepared for publication by Centre For Addiction And Mental Health

Entretien à la méthadone

Guide de traitement à l’intention des conseillers

edited by Garth Martin, Bruna Brands & David C. Marsh

Entretien à la méthadone

Guide de traitement à l’intention des pharmaciens, deuxième édition

edited by Pearl Isaac, Anne Kalvik & John Brands

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