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Book Lists

Long Roads, Big Skies

When I was writing Half-Light: Westbound on a Hot Planet, my editor suggested that it was a travel book. At first I didn't see this, thinking of the book more as a series of somewhat dysthymic embroideries on the idea of mortality and finitude. But now I do see it. In Half-Light, I was always going somewhere, paying attention to places, especially when they were new to me. Here are some of the best (in my opinion) Canadian books about going somewhere and paying careful attention: to where you are, to where you're bound, and to what happens on the journey.

by Amy Kaler

Lands of Lost Borders

Out of Bounds on the Silk Road

by (author) Kate Harris

Whitemud Walking

by (author) Matthew James Weigel

Field Notes on Listening

by (author) Kit Dobson

A Geography of Blood

Unearthing Memory from a Prairie Landscape

by (author) Candace Savage

Perfection Of The Morning

by (author) Sharon Butala

Wild Stone Heart

by (author) Sharon Butala

On Foot to Canterbury

A Son’s Pilgrimage

by (author) Ken Haigh

Borders, Human Itineraries, and All Our Relation


by (author) Dele Adeyemo, Natalie Diaz, Nadia Yala Kisukidi & Rinaldo Walcott
series edited by Christina Sharpe

Jacob's Wound

A Search for the Spirit of Wildness

by (author) Trevor Herriot

The Road Is How

Three Days A Foot Through Nature, Eros, And Soul, The

by (author) Trevor Herriot


The Call of the American West

by (author) Joanna Pocock

The Desire of Every Living Thing

A Memoir

by (author) Don Gillmor

Two Trees Make a Forest

In Search of My Family's Past Among Taiwan's Mountains and Coasts

by (author) Jessica J. Lee

To the River

Losing My Brother

by (author) Don Gillmor


Two Years in the Oil Sands

by (author) Kate Beaton

Making Love with the Land

by (author) Joshua Whitehead


by (author) John Steffler

Magnetic North

Sea Voyage to Svalbard

by (author) Jenna Butler


Tracing Land and Dream in a New Northwest Passage

by (author) Kathleen Winter


Westbound on a Hot Planet

by (author) Amy Kaler


The Possibilities of Place

by (author) Anik See

Blue Portugal and Other Essays

by (author) Theresa Kishkan