Sheree Fitch
Books by Sheree Fitch

Fitch & Smith Treasury
Featuring Mabel Murple, Toes in My Nose, & There Were Monkeys in My Kitchen

Everybody’s different on EveryBody Street

EveryBody's Different on EveryBody Street

Summer Feet

There's a Mouse in My House

There’s a Mouse in My House

Sing in the Spring!

Sur la rue de Tout-le-Monde

Whispers of Mermaids and Wonderful Things
Atlantic Canadian Poetry and Verse for Children

Kisses Kisses, Baby-O!
Trilingual Edition

Because We Love, We Cry

You Won't Always Be This Sad
A Book of Moments

Making a Life
Twenty-five Years of Hooking Rugs

If I Were the Moon

If I Were the Moon
Twentieth - anniversary edition

Kiss the Joy as it Flies

Kiss the Joy as it Flies
Tenth-anniversary edition

Pocket Rocks

Pocket Rocks Read-Along

Polly MacCauley's Finest, Divinest, Wooliest Gift of All
A Yarn for All Ages

If You Could Wear My Sneakers

Toes in My Nose
And Other Poems

Mabel Murple

Hullabaloo Bugaboo Day

Singily Skipping Along

There Were Monkeys in My Kitchen (pb)

Night Sky Wheel Ride

I Died on a Hot June Day

There Were Monkeys in My Kitchen

Mabel Murple (pb)

The Poetry Experience
Choosing and using poetry in the classroom

Breathe, Stretch, Write
Learning to write with everything you've got

Mabel Murple hc

Pluto's Ghost

Sleeping Dragons All Around pb

Weska'qelmut Apje'juanu
Kisses Kisses Baby-O Mi kmaq Language Edition

Sleeping Dragons All Around
20th Anniversay Edition

Bisous bisous bébé-ô!

Kisses Kisses Baby-O!

The Gravesavers

One More Step

Peek a Little Boo

If I Had a Million Onions

In This House Are Many Women and Other Poems

No Two Snowflakes

One More Step

Writing Maniac
How I grew up to be a writer (and you can too!)