For a Savage Love / Por un amor salvaje reprints three exceptional books previously published by Ekstasis Editions from this great renovator of the classic surrealist tradition. First, Body of Insomnia combines eroticism, spirituality and hope in poems that make reality shine with its actual mystery. The centrepiece of For a Savage Love is Zeller’s great and oft-translated long poem, Woman in Dream, a uniquely passionate tribute to a woman, to all women, and to the feminine as the source of being: a poem drunk alternately with wonder and terror, and always with erotic fury. In the final position is The Eye on Fire, one of Zeller's later works, in which he movingly confronts the passing years and affirms the power of poetry, love, and freedom. For a Savage Love spans eighteen years of poetic productivity, and gives the reader a stirring overview of a major literary accomplishment: few poets speak so intensely from the very origins of language and in the mode of pure, ever-flowing song. The translations in For a Savage Love have been comprehensively revised by renowned translators and scholars Theresa Moritz and A. F. Moritz, and constitute new versions in English. The poems are presented here with the Spanish en face.
About the authors
Ludwig Zeller is prominent in both Latin American poetry and international surrealism. Before coming to Canada in 1971, he was curator of the Chilean Ministry of Education Art Gallery (1952 $#150; 1970). His poetry publications include Salvar la poesia quemar las naves (Mexico City, 1988 and 1994) and (Mexico City, 1993). Zeller has exhibited his visual art in scores of one-man and group shows throughout North America and western Europe, including at the Venice Biennale 1986). He was a featured poet at the Rotterdam International Poetry Festival (1987) and the featured poet and artist of the Guadalajara International Book Fair (1991).
Theresa Moritz is a Fitzhenry and Whiteside author.
George Fetherling has been writing and publishing for more than forty-five years. One of his most popular works is Travels by Night: A Memoir, which recreates leading personalities and events in the fabled Canadian cultural renaissance of 1965–75. His most recent books are The Sylvia Hotel Poems and the novel Walt Whitman’s Secret, both published in 2010. Fetherling is also a visual artist.
A.F. Moritz has published more than twenty collections of poetry as well as important works of literary history and numerous translations of Latin American verse. A leading figure in the literary life of Canada, he has been the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and a major award from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. Two of his most recent works have reaffirmed his reputation: Night Street Repairs (2004) received the ReLit Award and The Sentinel (2008) won both the Bess Hokin Prize from Poetry magazine and the Griffin Poetry Prize. He teaches at the University of Toronto.
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