The shocking conclusion of the Broken Worlds series...
The war has begun
Darius vaporized the Cygnian home world to end the war before it began. It didn't work.
Little does he know, he's been played for a sucker from the start. Terrible as the Cygnians are, there is a more ruthless enemy manipulating the Union to tear itself apart in a bloody war between the Revenants and the Cygnians.
Darius is surging up the ranks in the Revenant fleet, winning victory after victory, but they're all hollow with his daughter, Cassandra, frozen in cryo and no way to safely wake her.
As the war draws to its bloody end, the puppeteers behind the conflict appear and reveal that they also hold the strings to Cassandra's fate. Darius must deal with the Union's real enemy and make a horrific choice: either save his daughter, or save the galaxy.
About the authors
Jasper Scott is a USA TODAY bestselling science fiction author, best known for writing intricate plots with unexpected twists and flawed characters. His books have been translated into Japanese and German and adapted for audio, with collectively over 500,000 copies read, borrowed, or sold.
Jasper was born and raised in Canada by South African parents, with a British cultural heritage on his mother's side and German on his father's, to which he has now added Latin culture with his wonderful wife.
After spending years living as a starving artist, he finally quit his various jobs to become a full-time writer. In his spare time he enjoys reading, traveling, going to the gym, and spending time with his family.