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Business & Economics Strategic Planning

Catalytic Governance

Leading Change in the Information Age

by (author) Patricia Meredith, Steven Rosell & Ged R. Davis

University of Toronto Press
Initial publish date
Mar 2016
Strategic Planning, Nonprofit Organizations & Charities, General, Public Affairs & Administration, General
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Mar 2016
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  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Mar 2016
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  • eBook

    Publish Date
    May 2016
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Although the information age offers individuals from all walks of life the power to make their voices heard, we often end up with a cacophony of competing voices rather than a conversation. With so many people empowered to join the decision-making process, the number and diversity of stakeholders in governance situations poses a special challenge: how do you steer when so many hands are on the wheel?

Catalytic Governance offers a proven approach to managing this challenge, built on the insight that effective leadership and governance depends less on traditional top-down approaches and more on creating shared meanings and frameworks. Drawing on their experiences managing transformational change in a complex, multi-stakeholder environment on issues ranging from finance to climate change, health, and the digital revolution, Patricia Meredith, Steven A. Rosell, and Ged R. Davis demonstrate how to use dialogue to engage stakeholders, explore alternative perspectives, develop shared mental maps and a vision of the future, and co-create strategies and initiatives to realize that future. While elements of this approach will be familiar, this is the first time they have been combined into a coherent model and tested together in practice. The book describes in detail how this was done in the process of transforming the Canadian payments system. The catalytic approach to governance is a powerful tool for leaders in the public and private sectors looking to lead and govern more effectively.

About the authors

Patricia Meredith is a global thought leader in transformative governance. She works with leaders in both the public and private sectors to take on the challenges of the information age. An accomplished author, consultant and educator, she is a fellow of the Clarkson Institute for Board Effectiveness at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Her previous publication, Catalytic Governance, is also published by University of Toronto Press.

Patricia Meredith's profile page

Steven A. Rosell, the author of four books and numerous articles on governance and leadership, is the president of Viewpoint Learning, which develops specialized applications of dialogue for both business and the public sector.

Steven Rosell's profile page

Ged R. Davis, an experienced scenario practitioner working with corporations, governments, and international institutions is the executive chair of the Scenario Study Group at the World Energy Council and the president of Forescene S.A.

Ged R. Davis' profile page

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