Browse Books in Women's Studies

Countering the Myths
Lesbians Write about the Men in Their Lives

World Enough and Time
Conversations with Canadian Women at Midlife

Interior Passages
Obesity and Transformation

The Work of Their Hands
Mennonite Women’s Societies in Canada

Changing Women, Changing History
A Bibliography of the History of Women in Canada

Bringing It Home
Women Talk About Feminism in Their Lives

Methodists and Women's Education in Ontario, 1836-1925

Women of the First Nations
Power, Wisdom, and Strength

Because It Gives Me Peace of Mind
Ritual Fasts in the Religious Lives of Hindu Women

Reconstructed World
A Feminist Biography of Gertrude Richardson

Recast Dreams
Class and Gender Consciousness in Steeltown
A Partnership of Equals
The Struggle for the Reform of Family Law in Manitoba

Hidden Majority, The
Guidebook on Alcohol and Other Drug Issues for Counsellors Who Work with Women

La Majorité oubliée
Guide sur les questions de toxicomanie à l’intention des conseillers qui travaillent auprès des femmes

Change of Plans
Towards a Non-Sexist Sustainable City

Nattering on the Net
Women, Power, and Cybersapce

Graduate Women's Studies
Visions and Realities

Femmes francophones et pluralisme en milieu minoritaire

Women in Trouble
Connecting Women’s Law Violation to their Histories of Abuse

Earning Respect
The Lives of Working Women in Small Town Ontario, 1920-1960
The House that Jill Built
A Lesbian Nation in Formation

Voices From Within
Women Who Have Broken the Law

Bodied Mindfulness
Women’s Spirits, Bodies and Places