Browse Books in Women's Studies

Writing a Politics of Perception
Memory, Holography, and Women Writers in Canada

'Designing Women'
Gender and the Architectural Profession

Configuring Gender
Explorations in Theory and Politics

Famille et fragmentation

Sharing the Good Times
A History of Prairie Women's Joys and Pleasures

Our Words, Our Revolutions
Di/Verse Voices of Black Women, First Nations Women, and Women of Colour in Canada

Du corps des femmes
Contrôles, surveillances et résistances

In Good Hands
The Women of the Canadian Handicrafts Guild
Contracting Masculinity
Gender, Class, and Race in a White-Collar Union, 1944-1994

Diary of a European Tour, 1900

Women's Changing Landscapes
Life Stories from Three Generations

Black Eyes All of the Time
Intimate Violence, Aboriginal Women, and the Justice System

Cancer Stories
On Life and Suffering

Making Do
Women, Family and Home in Montreal during the Great Depression

Be Good, Sweet Maid
The Trials of Dorothy Joudrie

Women's Organizing and Public Policy in Canada and Sweden

Women's Voices in Health Promotion

Reclaiming the Future
Women's Strategies for the 21st Century

Memoirs from Away
A New Found Land Girlhood

Women Who Made the News
Female Journalists in Canada, 1880-1945

Transforming Psyche

We're rooted here and they can't pull us up
Essays in African Canadian Women's History

Gendering the Nation
Canadian Women's Cinema

Women Working The NAFTA Food Chain
Women, Food, and Globalization