Browse Books in Women's Studies

The Infinite Bonds of Family
Domesticity in Canada, 1850-1940

The Life and Letters of Annie Leake Tuttle
Working for the Best

Pauline Jewett
A Passion for Canada

Pauline Jewett
A Passion for Canada

Girl Talk
Adolescent Magazines and Their Readers

The Mountain Is Moving
Japanese Women's Lives
Canadian Woman Studies
An Introductory Reader

Equity and How to Get It
Rescuing Graduate Studies

Femmes de carrière, carrières de femmes
Étude des trajectoires familiales, scolaires et professionnelles des gestionnaires québecoises et on

Les Femmes en milieu universitaire
Liberté d'apprendre autrement

Feminism and World Religions

Nation, Empire, Colony
Historicizing Gender and Race
Course Outlines on Women and Politics, second edition

Female Economy
Women's Work in a Prairie Province, 1870-1970
Frontiers in Women's Studies
Canadian and German Perspectives

Obedience, Suspicion and the Gospel of Mark
A Mennonite-Feminist Exploration of Biblical Authority

Cracking the Gender Code
Who Rules the Wired World?

Afrikan Mothers
Bearers of Culture, Makers of Social Change
Women's Caring

Vingt ans apres, Habitants et marchands
Lectures de l'histoire des XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles canadiens

Redefining Motherhood
Changing the Identities and Patterns

Violence against Women
Philosophical Perspectives

Women Theorists on Society and Politics

Dear Editor and Friends
Letters from Rural Women of the North-West, 1900-1920