Browse Books in Women's Studies

Polygendered and Ponytailed
The Dilemma of Femininity and the Female Athlete

Demons of Aquilonia, The

Electing a Diverse Canada
The Representation of Immigrants, Minorities, and Women

Muslim Women Speak
A Tapestry of Lives and Dreams

Gravity Matters


Who’s Your Daddy
And Other Writings on Queer Parenting

My Life as a Dame
The Personal and Political Writings of Christina McCall

The Sexual Paradox
Extreme Men, Gifted Women and the Real Gender Gap

Golden Threads
Women Creating Community

Gendering the Nation-State
Canadian and Comparative Perspectives

No-Nonsense Guide to Women’s Rights

Clock of Heaven, The

Representation and Resistance
South Asian and African Women’s Texts at Home and in the Diaspora

Whose University Is It, Anyway?
Power and Privilege on Gendered Terrain

Feminist Mothering

In the Name of Love
Women's Narratives of Love and Abuse

Culture of Prejudice
Arguments in Critical Social Science

Other Sister, The

Democracy and the Rise of Women's Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa

Resisting Manchukuo
Chinese Women Writers and the Japanese Occupation

Working Girls in the West
Representations of Wage-Earning Women

No Place to Go
Local Histories of the Battered Women’s Shelter Movement

Reaction and Resistance
Feminism, Law, and Social Change