Browse Books in Women's Studies
Writing Gender in Women's Letter Collections of the Italian Renaissance
The Bold and the Brave
A History of Women in Science and Engineering
When Couples Become Parents
The Creation of Gender in the Transition to Parenthood
Lelia's Kiss
Imagining Gender, Sex, and Marriage in Italian Renaissance Comedy
Respectable Citizens
Gender, Family, and Unemployment in Ontario's Great Depression
Myth of the Silent Woman
Moroccan Women Writers
First Voices
An Aboriginal Women's Reader
The Widowed Self
The Older Woman’s Journey through Widowhood
Women in God’s Army
Gender and Equality in the Early Salvation Army
The Widowed Self
The Older Woman’s Journey through Widowhood
Reading In
Alice Munro’s Archives
Writing with a Vengeance
The Countess de Chabrillan's Rise from Prostitution
Letter Out : Letter In
More than a Labour of Love - Women's Press Classics
Three Generations of Women's Work in the Home
Minds of Our Own
Inventing Feminist Scholarship and Women’s Studies in Canada and Québec, 1966–76
Burlesque West
Showgirls, Sex, and Sin in Postwar Vancouver
Seda's Story
A Memoir
D’un islam textuel vers un islam contextuel
La traduction du Coran et la construction de l’image de la femme
Polygendered and Ponytailed
The Dilemma of Femininity and the Female Athlete
Demons of Aquilonia, The
Electing a Diverse Canada
The Representation of Immigrants, Minorities, and Women
Muslim Women Speak
A Tapestry of Lives and Dreams