Browse Books in Women's Studies

Calling for Change
Women, Law, and the Legal Profession

This Wild Spirit
Women in the Rocky Mountains of Canada

Women Teaching, Women Learning
Historical Perspectives

Ecological Thinking
The Politics of Epistemic Location

Tales of Two Cities
Women and Municipal Restructuring in London and Toronto

Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Set

Renegade Women of Canada
The Wild, Outrageous, Daring and Bold

Dropped Threads 3
Beyond the Small Circle

La Psychose chez les femmes
Guide d'information

The Struggle for Midwifery in Ontario
To Touch a Dream
A Wilderness Adventure

Sons of the Movement
FtMs Risking Incoherence on a Post-Queer Cultural Landscape

Unsettling Partition
Literature, Gender, Memory

13 Women
Parables from Prison
Unsettling Partition
Literature, Gender, Memory

Ain’t I a Woman
Black Women and Feminism

Unwilling Mothers, Unwanted Babies
Infanticide in Canada

The Female Crucifix
Images of St. Wilgefortis Since the Middle Ages

The Effects of Feminist Approaches on Research Methodologies

Gender, Genre and Religion
Feminist Reflections

Clothed in Integrity
Weaving Just Cultural Relations and the Garment Industry

Breaking Anonymity
The Chilly Climate for Women Faculty

Discounted Labour
Women Workers in Canada, 1870-1939

Unsettled Pasts
Reconceiving the West through Women's History