Browse Books in Women's Studies

Consuming Modernity
Gendered Behaviour and Consumerism before the Baby Boom

A Force Such as the World Has Never Known
Women Creating Change

Sporting Gender
Women Athletes and Celebrity-Making during China’s National Crisis, 1931-45

The Representation of Women in Canadian Governments

Glittering Chaos, A

Long White Sickness, The

Women in a Globalizing World
Transforming Equality, Development, Diversity and Peace
Toeing the Lines (Kobo)
Women and Party Politics in English Canada

Canadian Women and the Struggle for Equality (Kobo)
Feminist Organizing for Change (Kobo)
The Contemporary Women's Movement in Canada
Women's Caring (Kobo)

Honour On Trial
The Shafia Murders and the Culture of Honour Killings

Gender and Women's Studies in Canada
Critical Terrain

"And Neither Have I Wings to Fly":
Labelled and Locked Up in Canada's Oldest Institution

Dark Water Songs

I write these words/ J'écris ces mots

And Neither Have I Wings to Fly
Labelled and Locked Up in Canada's Oldest Institution

Selling Sex
Experience, Advocacy, and Research on Sex Work in Canada

Women's Work, Women's Art
Nineteenth-Century Northern Athapaskan Clothing

Rosina, the Midwife

Ascent of Women
A New Age Is Dawning for Every Mother's Daughter

Women and HIV Prevention in Canada
Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice

The Better Story
Queer Affects from the Middle East

Women in a Globalizing World
Equality, Development, Peace and Diversity