Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Korean Immigrants in Canada
Perspectives on Migration, Integration, and the Family

Filipinos in Canada
Disturbing Invisibility

Going Too Far
Essays About America's Nervous Breakdown

Race and Sport in Canada
Intersecting Inequalities

Kwakwa̲ka̲'wakw Settlements, 1775-1920
A Geographical Analysis and Gazetteer

Father August Brabant
Saviour or Scourge?

People of the Longhouse
How the Iroquoian Tribes Lived

People of the Ice
How the Inuit Lived

Life Stages and Native Women
Memory, Teachings, and Story Medicine

A Geography of Blood
Unearthing Memory from a Prairie Landscape

Moose to Moccasins Teachers' Guide
Dundurn Teachers' Guide

Rethinking the Great White North
Race, Nature, and the Historical Geographies of Whiteness in Canada

People of the Buffalo
How the Plains Indians Lived

Discovering Totem Poles
A Traveler's Guide

The Colonization of Mi'kmaw Memory and History, 1794-1928
The King v. Gabriel Sylliboy

The Nature of Borders
Salmon, Boundaries, and Bandits on the Salish Sea

Asserting Native Resilience
Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Face the Climate Crisis

“Too Asian?”
Racism, Privilege, and Post-Secondary Education

Settlement, Subsistence, and Change Among the Labrador Inuit
The Nunatsiavummiut Experience

People of the Middle Fraser Canyon
An Archaeological History

Countering Displacements
The Creativity and Resilience of Indigenous and Refugee-ed Peoples

Prophetic Identities
Indigenous Missionaries on British Colonial Frontiers, 1850-75

Islam in the Hinterlands
Muslim Cultural Politics in Canada

People of Substance
An Ethnography of Morality in the Colombian Amazon