Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Indigenous in the City
Contemporary Identities and Cultural Innovation

Fishing in Contested Waters
Place & Community in Burnt Church/Esgenoopetitj

The Hakkas of Sarawak
Sacrificial Gifts in Cold War Era Malaysia

Mind's Eye
Stories from Whapmagoostui

Diasporic Chineseness after the Rise of China
Communities and Cultural Production

Pinay on the Prairies
Filipino Women and Transnational Identities

Elder Brother and the Law of the People
Contemporary Kinship and Cowessess First Nation

Settling Saskatchewan

Approaches to Aboriginal Education in Canada
Searching for Solutions

This Is Our Life
Haida Material Heritage and Changing Museum Practice

Papers of the Forty-First Algonquian Conference
Actes du Congrès des Algonquinistes

First Peoples of Canada
Masterworks from the Canadian Museum of Civilization

Setting All the Captives Free
Capture, Adjustment, and Recollection in Allegheny Country

To Right Historical Wrongs
Race, Gender, and Sentencing in Canada

Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut, Volume 5
Environment, Part I: Renewable Resources and Wildlife Protection

Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut, Volume 6
Environment, Part II: Contaminants, Land Use and Climate Change

Modern Native Feasts
Healthy, Innovative, Sustainable Cuisine

New Perspectives on African-Centred Education in Canada

The Life of a Stó:lo Matriarch

The Nature of Empires and the Empires of Nature
Indigenous Peoples and the Great Lakes Environment

People of the Pines
The Warriors and the Legacy of Oka

The Dispossessed
Life and Death in Native Canada

Just Ask Us
A Conversation with First Nations Teenage Moms

Who is an Indian?
Race, Place, and the Politics of Indigeneity in the Americas