Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Hunters and Bureaucrats
Power, Knowledge, and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Southwest Yukon

Contact and Conflict
Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890 (2nd edition)

Northern Exposures
Photographing and Filming the Canadian North, 1920-45
Captured Heritage
The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts

Shifting Boundaries
Aboriginal Identity, Pluralist Theory, and the Politics of Self-Government

Museum Pieces
Toward the Indigenization of Canadian Museums

Ghost Dancing with Colonialism
Decolonization and Indigenous Rights at the Supreme Court of Canada

Telling It to the Judge
Taking Native History to Court

The Imaginary Indian
The Image of the Indian in Canadian Culture

The Perils of Identity
Group Rights and the Politics of Intragroup Difference

Conflict and Compromise in Multilingual Societies: Switzerland

Strong Helpers' Teachings
The Value of Indigenous Knowledges in the Helping Professions

Seeing Red
A History of Natives in Canadian Newspapers

A Difficult Beauty

The New African Diaspora in Vancouver
Migration, Exclusion and Belonging

Urban Aboriginal Communities in Canada
Complexities, Challenges, Opportunities

Race on Trial
Black Defendants in Ontario's Criminal Courts, 1858-1958

Restoring the Balance
First Nations Women, Community, and Culture

Taking Medicine
Women's Healing Work and Colonial Contact in Southern Alberta, 1880-1930

Home and Native Land
Unsettling Multiculturalism in Canada

Fort Chipewyan and the Shaping of Canadian History, 1788-1920s
"We like to be free in this country"

Between Consenting Peoples
Political Community and the Meaning of Consent

Indigenous Women and Feminism
Politics, Activism, Culture

Dreaming in Canadian
South Asian Youth, Bollywood, and Belonging