Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Conflict and Compromise in Multilingual Societies: Switzerland

Inuit Morality Play
The Emotional Education of a Three-Year-Old

The Netherlandic Presence in Ontario
Pillars, Class and Dutch Ethnicity

Waning of the Green
Catholics, the Irish, and Identity in Toronto, 1887-1922

The Waning of the Green
Catholics, the Irish, and Identity in Toronto, 1887-1922

Never Without Consent
James Bay Crees Stand Against Forcible Inclusion into an Independent Quebec

The Dynamics of Native Politics
The Alberta Metis Experience

Road to Now, The
A History of Blacks in Montreal

When Police Kill
Police Use of Force in Montreal and Toronto

Under the Southern Cross
A Collection of Accounts and Reminiscences About the Ukrainian Immigration in Brazil, 1891-1914

Vancouver's Society of Italians

Sayings of the Elders

A Voice Great Within Us

A Death Feast in Dimlahamid

Inside Ethnic Families
Three Generations of Portuguese-Canadians

On the Shore of Hudson Bay

Conflict and Compromise in Multilingual Societies: Finland

Yamoria the Lawmaker
Stories of the Dene
We Are Not You
First Nations and Canadian Modernity

We Are Not You
First Nations and Canadian Modernity

Images of Justice

The Yellow Pear

Recent Social Trends in Russia 1960-1995
Hungarian Rhapsodies
Essays on Ethnicity, Identity, and Culture