Browse Books in Ethnic Studies
Social Inequality in Canada
North Spirit
Travels Among The Cree And Ojibway Nations And Their Star Maps
Re-Situating Identities
The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
The Raven Steals the Light
Drawings by Bill Reid
Our Tellings
Interior Salish Stories of the Nlha7kápmx People
Alaska Bound
Inuit Women Artists
Voices from Cape Dorset
Educating African Canadians
Language in Inuit society
Micmac dictionary
The People
A Historical Guide to the First Nations of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba
Reordering of Culture
Latin America, the Caribbean and Canada in the Hood
Blackfoot Dictionary
The Carnivalization of Politics
Quebec Cartoons on Relations with Canada, England, and France, 1960-1979
Carnivalization of Politics
Quebec Cartoons on Relations with Canada, England, and France, 1960-1979
Ellen Smallboy
Glimpses of a Cree Woman's Life
True Spirit and Original Intent of Treaty 7
Epic of Qayaq
The Longest Story Ever Told by My People
Entering the Warzone
A Mohawk Perspective on Resisting Invasions
Vancouver's Chinatown
Racial Discourse in Canada, 1875-1980
Iskwewak Kah' Ki Yan Ni Nahkomakanak
Neith Indian Princesses Nor Easy Squaws
Buried in the Silence
Victims of Benevolence
The Dark Legacy of the Williams Lake Residential School