Browse Books in Ethnic Studies
Aboriginal People and Colonizers of Western Can...

Aboriginal People and Colonizers of Western Canada to 1900

Black Eyes All of the Time
Intimate Violence, Aboriginal Women, and the Justice System

Keeping the Lakes' Way
Reburial and Re-creation of a Moral World among an Invisible People

Justice in Paradise
Way of the Masks, The

Circles of Time
Aboriginal Land Rights and Resistance in Ontario

Circles of Time
Aboriginal Land Rights and Resistance in Ontario

First Son
Portraits by C.D. Hoy

Tangled Webs of History
Indians and the Law in Canada's Pacific Coast Fisheries

Prophet of The Plains, The

We're rooted here and they can't pull us up
Essays in African Canadian Women's History

The Origin of Death

In the Words of Elders
Aboriginal Cultures in Transition

Many Petals of the Lotus
Five Asian Buddhist Communities in Toronto

Irish in Ontario, Second Edition
A Study in Rural History

The Irish in Ontario
A Study in Rural History, Second Edition

Un/Covering the North
News, Media, and Aboriginal People
The Japanese Working Man
What Choice? What Reward?

Race and Ethnic Relations in Canada

Staking Land Claims

Ethnicity, Politics, and Public Policy
Case Studies in Canadian Diversity

Native North America
Critical and Cultural Perspectives

The Caribbean Diaspora in Toronto
Learning to Live with Racism