Browse Books in Ethnic Studies
Crimes of Colour
Racialization and the Criminal Justice System in Canada
The Innu Struggle to Reclaim Their Homeland
Silent Messengers of the Arctic
In Order to Live Untroubled
Inuit of the Central Artic 1550 to 1940
Medicine that Walks
Disease, Medicine, and Canadian Plains Native People, 1880-1940
Medicine that Walks
Disease, Medicine, and Canadian Plains Native People, 1880-1940
Citizens Plus
Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State
West Indians of Costa Rica
Race, Class, and the Integration of an Ethnic Minority
An Overview of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and Compensation for Their Breach
Talking About Identity
Encounters in Race, Ethnicity, and Language
Race and Gender in the Northern Colonies
Indigenous Difference and the Constitution of Canada
Coalescence of Styles
The Ethnic Heritage of St John River Valley Regional Furniture, 1763-1851
Coalescence of Styles
The Ethnic Heritage of St John River Valley Regional Furniture, 1763-1851
Tundra Passages
History and Gender in the Russian Far East
Resting Lightly on Mother Earth
The Aboriginal Experience in Urban Educational Settings
Spirit Dance at Meziadin
Chief Joseph Gosnell and the Nisga'a Treaty
Fascinating challenges
Studying material culture with Dorothy Burnham
My old people say: Part 2
An ethnographic survey of Southern Yukon Territory
My old people say: Part 1
An ethnographic survey of Southern Yukon Territory
A People's Dream
Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
They Knew Both Sides of Medicine
Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing Told by Alice Ahenakew
The Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence
Introduced Infectious Diseases and Population Decline among Northwest Coast Indians, 1774-1874
Buffalo People
Portraits of a Vanishing Nation