Browse Books in Emigration & Immigration

The Vikings Return
Icelandic Immigration to Canada, 1870-1920

Polish Orphans of Tengeru
The Dramatic Story of Their Long Journey to Canada 1941-49
Saint-Laurent, Montreal's Main

Immigrants in Prairie Cities
Ethnic Diversity in Twentieth-Century Canada

Cambodian Refugees in Ontario
Resettlement, Religion, and Identity

Letter Out : Letter In

Mythologies of Migration, Vocabularies of Indenture
Novels of the South Asian Diaspora in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific

Municipalities and Multiculturalism
The Politics of Immigration in Toronto and Vancouver

Racialized Migrant Women in Canada
Essays on Health, Violence and Equity

Immigration & Settlement, 1870-1939

Demons of Aquilonia, The

Muslim Women Speak
A Tapestry of Lives and Dreams

Paths of Opportunity

German Diasporic Experiences
Identity, Migration, and Loss

Voices Raised in Protest
Defending North American Citizens of Japanese Ancestry, 1942-49

Organizing the Transnational
Labour, Politics, and Social Change

The History of Immigration and Racism in Canada
Essential Readings

Working with Immigrant Women
Issues and Strategies for Mental Health Professionals

Imagined Homes
Soviet German Immigrants in Two Cities

Problématiques identitaires et discours de l'exil dans les littératures francophones

Emigrant Worlds and Transatlantic Communities
Migration to Upper Canada in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

With Axe and Bible
The Scottish Pioneers of New Brunswick, 1784-1874

The Triumph of Citizenship
The Japanese and Chinese in Canada, 1941-67

After the Hector
The Scottish Pioneers of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, 1773-1852