Browse Books in Social Science

Principles of Tsawalk
An Indigenous Approach to Global Crisis

Youth Criminal Justice Policy in Canada
A Critical Introduction
Bitter Feast
Amerindians and Europeans in Northeastern North America, 1600-64

Tales from the Sustainable Underground (PDF)
A Wild Journey with People Who Care More about the Planet than the Law

A Narrow Vision
Duncan Campbell Scott and the Administration of Indian Affairs in Canada
Class, Race, and Colonialism in West Malaysia

Visitors Who Never Left
The Origin of the People of Damelahamid

Cities with Slums
From Informal Settlement Eradication to a Right to the City in Africa

The Heritage of the Circle

Making Native Space
Colonialism, Resistance, and Reserves in British Columbia

Social Capital, Diversity, and the Welfare State

Mega Urban Regions of Southeast Asia
Corporate Power and Canadian Capitalism

Morals and the Media, 2nd edition
Ethics in Canadian Journalism

Tammarniit (Mistakes)
Inuit Relocation in the Eastern Arctic, 1939-63
Early Human Occupation in British Columbia

Public Funds, Private Provision
The Role of the Voluntary Sector

Hidden Dimensions
The Cultural Significance of Wetland Archaeology
Once Upon an Oldman
Special Interest Politics and the Oldman River Dam

Every Inch a Woman
Phallic Possession, Femininity, and the Text

The Domestic Assault of Women
Psychological and Criminal Justice Perspectives

If I Had a Hammer
Retraining That Really Works

Contact Zones
Aboriginal and Settler Women in Canada's Colonial Past

Sexing the Teacher
School Sex Scandals and Queer Pedagogies