Browse Books in Christian Theology
Churches and Social Order in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Canada
The Emerging Christian Way
Thoughts, Stories, and Wisdom for a Faith of Transformation
Leontius of Jerusalem
Against the Monophysites: Testimonies of the Saints and Aporiae
Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places Study Guide
Craving and Salvation
A Study in Buddhist Soteriology
Whitehead and God
Prolegomena to Theological Reconstruction
Footnotes to a Theology
The Karl Barth Colloquium of 1972
Eternity and Eternal Life
Speculative Theology and Science in Discourse
Clinical Pastoral Supervision and the Theology of Charles Gerkin
Radical Difference
A Defence of Hendrik Kraemer’s Theology of Religions
The Study of Religion in British Columbia
A State-of-the-Art Review
The Divine Name in the Bible
Religious Studies in Ontario
A State-of-the-Art Review
Edward Schillebeeckx and Hans Frei
A Conversation on Method and Christology
The Five Aggregates
Understanding Theravada Psychology and Soteriology
Faith and Fiction
A Theological Critique of the Narrative Strategies of Hugh MacLennan and Morley Callaghan
What is Systematic Theology?
What is Systematic Theology”
Gregory of Nyssa and the Concept of Divine Persons
Une nouvelle chance pour l'Évangile
Vers une pastorale d'engendrement
Philosophical and Theological Papers, 1965-1980
Volume 17
The Rural Solution
Modern Catholic Voices on Going "Back to the Land"
The Holy Fool
Christian Faith and Theology in J.M.R. Lenz
Humble Apologetics
Defending the Faith Today