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Browse Books in Christian Theology

The Paul's Cross Sermons 1534-1642

by (author) Millar MacLure

The Ethical Idealism of Matthew Arnold

by (author) William Robbins

Christian Ethics

A Historical and Systematic Analysis of its Dominant Ideas

by (author) Isma‘il Ragi A. al Faruqi

Hindu Mission, Christian Mission

Soundings in Comparative Theology

by (author) Reid B. Locklin

Où es-tu Marie?

by (author) Catherine Aubin

Une Église se lève

by (author) André Fossion

Remi De Roo, Pilgrim and Prophet

Wisdom for Today’s Church in the World

by (author) Remi De Roo
edited by Pearl Gervais & Douglas Roche

Beyond Homelessness, 15th Anniversary Edition

Christian Faith in a Culture of Displacement

by (author) Steven Bouma-Prediger & Brian J. Walsh
foreword by Ruth Padilla DeBorst

The New Perspective on Grace

Paul and the Gospel after Paul and the Gift

edited by Edward Adams, Dorothea H. Bertschmann, Stephen J. Chester, Jonathan A. Linebaugh & Todd D. Still

Ockham's Nominalism

A Philosophical Introduction

by (author) Claude Panaccio

Pratiques de libération et théologie des pratiques (ePub numérique)

Pour une épiphanie du salut de Dieu

conductor Yves Guérette

Pratiques de libération et théologie des pratiques (PDF numérique)

Pour une épiphanie du salut de Dieu

conductor Yves Guérette

Pratiques de libération et théologie des pratiques

Pour une épiphanie du salut de Dieu

conductor Yves Guérette

Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus

The Hidden Teachings on Life and Death

by (author) Neil Douglas-Klotz
foreword by Matthew Fox

On the Christian Religion

by (author) Marsilio Ficino
introduction and notes by Dan Attrell, Brett Bartlett & David Porreca


Text, Readers, and the History of Interpretation

by (author) Stephen Westerholm


The Study of Religion as Practice

contributions by Michiel Leezenberg, Anne-Marie Korte, Martin M. van Bruinessen, Umut Azak, Christoph Baumgartner, Rajeev Bhargava, John R. Bowen, Judith Butler, Rokus de Groot, Martijn de Koning, Sanne Derks, Wendy Doniger, Willy Jansen, Yolande Jansen, Mariwan Kanie, Webb Keane, Michael Lambek, Bruno Latour, Annelies Moors, Catrien Notermans, S. Brent Plate, Samuli Schielke, Regina M. Schwartz, Yvonne Sherwood, Thomas Tweed, Sander van Maas & Ali Hassan Zaidi

Dieu absent Dieu présent

by (author) Louis Roy

The Rebel Christ

by (author) Michael Coren

Honouring the Declaration

Church Commitments to Reconciliation and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

edited by Don Schweitzer & Paul L. Gareau

Berruyer's Bible

Public Opinion and the Politics of Enlightenment Catholicism in France

by (author) Daniel J. Watkins

Land of Stark Contrasts

Faith-Based Responses to Homelessness in the United States

contributions by Manuel Mejido Costoya, Paul H. Blankenship, Margaret Breen, Jeremy Brown, Sathianathan Clarke, John A. Coleman, María Teresa Dávila, Michael R. Fisher, Nancy Khalil, Lauren Lawson, Roberto Mata, Bruce Miller, James Spickard & Laura Stivers

Voir la Terre autrement (numérique PDF)

Pistes pour une spiritualité écologique

by (author) André Beauchamp

Voir la Terre autrement (numérique ePub)

Pistes pour une spiritualité écologique

by (author) André Beauchamp

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