Browse Books in Christian Theology

Europe After Wyclif

The Penguin Book of the Undead
Fifteen Hundred Years of Supernatural Encounters

Developing the Lonergan Legacy
Historical, Theoretical, and Existential Issues

Reading Sacred Scripture
Voices from the History of Biblical Interpretation

The Incarnate Word
Volume 8

Empire Erotics and Messianic Economies of Desire

Paul Tillich and Pentecostal Theology
Spiritual Presence and Spiritual Power

Preaching The Big Questions
Doctrine Isn't Dusty

The Atheist Who Didn't Exist
Or the Dreadful Consequences of Bad Arguments

When God Stood Up
A Christian Response to AIDS in Africa

The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 2204 to 2356 Volume 16

Searching for a Universal Ethic
Multidisciplinary, Ecumenical, and Interfaith Responses to the Catholic Natural Law Tradition

Theology For Non-Theologians
An Engaging, Accessible, and Relevant Guide

Law, Freedom and Story
The Role of Narrative in Therapy, Society and Faith

Justification Reconsidered
Rethinking A Pauline Theme

Horizons in Hermeneutics
A Festschrift in Honor of Anthony C. Thiselton

Le chemin de foi de Marie

Je crois en dieu le pere

Early Works on Theological Method 3
Volume 24

The Ethical Being
A Catholic Guide to Contemporary Issues

Discovering Trinity in Disability
A Theology for Embracing Difference

The Trinity in History
A Theology of the Divine Missions, Volume 1: Missions and Processions

Theology of the Body for Every Body

Work Matters
Lessons from Scripture