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Browse Books in Christian Theology

The Five Aggregates

Understanding Theravada Psychology and Soteriology

by (author) Mathieu Boisvert

Faith and Fiction

A Theological Critique of the Narrative Strategies of Hugh MacLennan and Morley Callaghan

by (author) Barbara Pell

Craving and Salvation

A Study in Buddhist Soteriology

by (author) Bruce Matthews

What is Systematic Theology?

by (author) Robert Doran

What is Systematic Theology”

by (author) Robert M. Doran

Gregory of Nyssa and the Concept of Divine Persons

by (author) Lucian Turcescu

Une nouvelle chance pour l'Évangile

Vers une pastorale d'engendrement

conductor Christoph Theoblad
by (author) Philippe Baq
with André Fossion, Pierrette Daviau, Marie-Jo Deniau, Jean-Marie Donegani, Olivier Frölich, Paul-André Giguère, Benoît Malvaux, Odile Ribadeau Dumas & Sophie Tremblay

In Deference to the Other

Lonergan and Contemporary Continental Thought

edited by Jim Kanaris & Mark J. Doorley
foreword by John D. Caputo

Foi critique

Débats de fond

by (author) Louis Cornellier
preface by Jacques Grand'Maison

Philosophical and Theological Papers, 1965-1980

Volume 17

by (author) Bernard Lonergan
edited by Robert Croken & Robert Doran

The Rural Solution

Modern Catholic Voices on Going "Back to the Land"

by (author) Mgr Richard Williamson, Dr Peter Chojnowski, Christopher McCann, Walter John Marx & Willis D. Nutting
edited by David Palin

The Holy Fool

Christian Faith and Theology in J.M.R. Lenz

by (author) Timothy F. Pope

Humble Apologetics

Defending the Faith Today

by (author) John G. Stackhouse

Angels Help Us

Discovering Divine Guidance

by (author) Jean Porche & Deborah Vaughan

Bernard Lonergan's Philosophy of Religion

From Philosophy of God to Philosophy of Religious Studies

by (author) Jim Kanaris

The Ontological and Psychological Constitution of Christ

Volume 7

by (author) Bernard Lonergan
edited by Michael Shields, Frederick Crowe & Robert Doran

Théologie, mission et catéchèse

conductor Henri Derroitte
with Gilbert Adler, Francis Buckley, Catherine Dooley, André Fossion, Harkness Allan, Donatien Kembe Ejiba, Joël Molinario, Anne Marie Mongoven, Flavio Pajer, Louis-Michel Renier, Gilles Routhier & Marcel Villers
by (author) N./.A. N/A

Benedicamus Domino!: Let Us Bless the Lord! the Theological Foundations of the Liturgical Renewal

The Theological Foundations of the Liturgical Renewal

by (author) Attila Miklósházy & Bishop Attila Mikloshazy

Parables of War

Reading John’s Jewish Apocalypse

by (author) John W. Marshall

George Grant and the Theology of the Cross

The Christian Foundations of His Thought

by (author) Harris Athanasiadis

A Social History of the Cloister

Daily Life in the Teaching Monasteries of the Old Regime

by (author) Elizabeth Rapley

The Other Six Days

Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective

by (author) R. Paul Stevens

Augustinianism and Modern Theology

by (author) Henri de Lubac
introduction by Louis Dupré

Martin Luther, German Saviour

German Evangelical Theological Factions and the Interpretation of Luther, 1917-1933

by (author) James M. Stayer

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