Browse Books in World

Conservatism in Canada

Governance in Northern Ontario
Economic Development and Policy Making

Left in British Columbia, The
A History of Struggle

Health Systems in Transition
Canada, Second Edition

'A Justifiable Obsession'
Conservative Ontario's Relations with Ottawa, 1943-1985
Patrician Liberal
The Public and Private Life of Sir Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 1829-1908

Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume XI
Quebec and the Canadas

O.D. Skelton
The Work of the World, 1923-1941

Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 2006

Paikin and the Premiers
Personal Reflections on a Half Century of Ontario Leaders

Canada’s Global Villagers
CUSO in Development, 1961-86

Politics in North America
Redefining Continental Relations

Maclean's on the Senate Scandals
From Wallin to Duffy to Wright, how the Senate became the symbol of all that's wrong with Ottawa

Water without Borders?
Canada, the United States, and Shared Waters

Paikin and the Premiers
Personal Reflections on a Half-Century of Ontario Leaders

Quiet No More
New Political Activism in Canada and Around the Globe

Democracy in Alberta
Social Credit and the Party System

The Invisible Crown
The First Principle of Canadian Government

Federal Property Policy in Canadian Municipalities

Chronic Condition
Why Canada's Health Care System Needs To Be Dragged Into The 21c

'A Justifiable Obsession'
Conservative Ontario's Relations with Ottawa, 1943-1985

Contested Land, Contested Memory
Israel's Jews and Arabs and the Ghosts of Catastrophe

Cities of Oil
Municipalities and Petroleum Manufacturing in Southern Ontario, 1860-1960

Patrician Liberal
The Public and Private Life of Sir Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 1829-1908