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Browse Books in Terrorism

The Legacy of 9/11

Views from North America

edited by Andrea Charron, Alexander Moens & Stéphane Roussel

Reasonable Cause to Suspect

A Mother's Ordeal to Save Her Son from a Kurdish Prison

by (author) Sally Lane

When Bad States Win

Rethinking Counterinsurgency Strategy

by (author) Jeffrey Treistman

Making a Killing

States, Banks, and Terrorism

by (author) Ian Michael Oxnevad

Chronic Aftershock

How 9/11 Shaped Present-Day France

by (author) Jean-Philippe Mathy


Reimagining Resistance and the Green Scare

by (author) Jennifer D. Grubbs

Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism

Assessing Domestic and International Strategies

edited by Stéfanie vonHlatky

Violence and Militants

From Ottoman Rebellions to Jihadist Organizations

by (author) Baris Cayli

The Challenge of Modernizing Islam

Reformers Speak Out and the Obstacles They Face

by (author) Christine Douglass-Williams
foreword by Daniel Pipes & Robert Spencer

American Nightmare

Facing the Challenge of Fascism

by (author) Henry A. Giroux
foreword by George Yancy

Les Cahiers du Journalisme, V.2, NO1

Médias et terrorisme

edited by Bertrand Labasse, Pierre Savary & Thierry Watine

NoNonsense ISIS and Syria

The new global war on terror

by (author) Phyllis Bennis

My Journey into the Heart of Terror

Ten Days in the Islamic State

by (author) Jürgen Todenhöfer

False Security

The Radicalization of Canadian Anti-Terrorism

by (author) Craig Forcese & Kent Roach

Deterring Rational Fanatics

by (author) Alex S. Wilner

Does State Spying Make Us Safer?

The Munk Debate on Mass Surveillance

by (author) Michael Hayden, Alan Dershowitz, Glenn Greenwald & Alexis Ohanian
commentaries by Edward Snowden

The Martyr's Oath

The Apprenticeship of a Homegrown Terrorist

by (author) Stewart Bell

Game Changer

The Impact of 9/11 on North American Security

edited by Jonathan Paquin & Patrick James

On Western Terrorism

by (author) Noam Chomsky & Andre Vltchek

Cold Terror 2e

How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism Around the World

by (author) Stewart Bell & Rohan Gunaratna

Is This Your First War?

Travels Through the Post-9/11 Islamic World

by (author) Michael Petrou

Afghanistan in the Balance

Counterinsurgency, Comprehensive Approach, and Political Order

by (author) Hans-Georg Ehrhart, Sven Gareis & Charles Pentland

Canada's National Security in the Post-9/11 World

Strategy, Interests, and Threats

by (author) David McDonough

The Freedom of Security

Governing Canada in the Age of Counter-Terrorism

by (author) Colleen Bell

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