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Browse Books in Political Ideologies

50 ans de bilinguisme officiel

Défis, analyses et témoignages

edited by Richard Clément & Pierre Foucher
contributions by Graham Fraser, Pierre Curzi, Stéphane Dion, François Boileau, Roger Turenne, Raymond-M Hébert, Sherry Simon, Michelle Landry, Ingride Roy, Matthieu LeBlanc, Éric Forgues, Maurice Beaudin, Mark Power, Perri Ravon, Albert Nolette & Andy Anstett

Gouvernance corporative

Une entrée en matières

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Tableau d'avancement II

Essais exploratoires sur la gouvernance d'un certain Canada français

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Pasquinade en F

Essais à rebrousse-poil

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Tableau d'avancement III

Pour une diaspora canadienne-française antifragile

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Challenges of Minority Governments in Canada

by (author) Marc Gervais

Villes et langues

Gouvernance et politiques – Symposium international

edited by Caroline Andrew & Richard Clément
contributions by Graham Fraser, Sylvie A. Lamoureux, Emili Boix-Fuster, Gemma Cots, Georgina Rufo, Daniel Bourgeois, Aaron Burry, Guy Chiasson, Maria Björnberg-Enckell, Christina Späti, Phillipe Hambye, Jordi Font, Antoni Rodon, Pierre-Yves Moeschler & Colin H. Williams

Tackling Wicked Policy Problems

Equality, Diversity and Sustainability

by (author) Gilles Paquet

The Workers' Movement and the National Question in Ukraine


by (author) Marko Bojcun

Taking Pluralism Seriously

Complex Societies under Scrutiny

by (author) Félix Mathieu

Strangest Dream, The

Canadian Communists, the Spy Trials, and the Cold War

by (author) Merrily Weisbord

From Left to Right

Saskatchewan's Political and Economic Transformation

by (author) Dale Eisler

Zapantera Negra

An Artistic Encounter Between Black Panthers and Zapatistas (New & Updated Edition)

edited by Marc James Léger & David Tomas
with Emory Douglas

The Age of Consequence

The Ordeals of Public Policy in Canada

by (author) Charles J. McMillan

Vegan Geographies

Spaces Beyond Violence, Ethics Beyond Speciesism

edited by Paul Hodge, Andrew McGregor, Simon Springer, Ophelie Veron & Richard J. White

Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Capitalism

by (author) Nicolas Graham

German Social Democracy through British Eyes

A Documentary History, 1870-1914

by (author) James Retallack

The Future of Capitalism

The Munk Debates

contributions by Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Yanis Varoufakis, Arthur Brooks & David Brooks
edited by Rudyard Griffiths

The Dialectics of Capital (volume 1)

A Study of the Inner Logic of Capitalism

by (author) Thomas T. Sekine

The Dialectics of Capital (volume 2)

A Study of the Inner Logic of Capitalism

by (author) Thomas T. Sekine

"Truth Behind Bars"

Reflections on the Fate of the Russian Revolution

by (author) Paul Kellogg

Mutual Aid

An Illuminated Factor of Evolution

by (author) Peter Kropotkin
illustrated by N.O. Bonzo
introduction by David Graeber & Andrej Grubacic
foreword by Ruth Kinna
preface by GATS
afterword by Allan Antliff

The Ideological Condition

Selected Essays on History, Race and Gender

by (author) Himani Bannerji

A Long Way to Paradise

A New History of British Columbia Politics

by (author) Robert A.J. McDonald

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