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Browse Books in Political Ideologies

Réinventer la démocratie

De la participation à l’intelligence collective

by (author) Jonathan Durand Folco
series edited by Pierre Beaudet

Bernie Bros Gone Woke

Class, Identity, Neoliberalism

by (author) Marc James Léger

An Emergency in Ottawa

The Story of the Convoy Commission

by (author) Paul Wells

In Defense of Civilization

How Our Past Can Renew Our Present

by (author) Michael R.J. Bonner

Crack-Up Capitalism

Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy

by (author) Quinn Slobodian

We Go Where They Go

The Story of Anti-Racist Action

by (author) Shannon Clay, Kristin Schwartz & Michael Staudenmaier
foreword by Gord Hill

Wars of Position?

Marxism Today, Cultural Politics and the Remaking of the Left Press, 1979-90

by (author) H.F. Pimlott

James P. Cannon and the Emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38

by (author) Bryan D. Palmer

Towards a Productive Aesthetics

Contemporary and Historical Interventions in Blake and Brecht

by (author) Keith O'Regan

Has Populism Won?

The War on Liberal Democracy

by (author) Daniel Drache & Marc D. Froese

Class Warrior

The Selected Works of E. T. Kingsley

by (author) Eugene Thornton Kingsley
edited by Benjamin Isitt & Ravi Malhotra

The Dead Center

Reflections on Liberalism and Democracy After the End of History

by (author) Luke Savage

The Petroleum Papers

Inside the Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change

by (author) Geoff Dembicki

Legislatures in Evolution / Les législatures en transformation

edited by Charles Feldman & David Groves


Justice sociale et écologique dans un monde globalisé

by (author) Ronald Cameron, Raphaël Canet & Nathalie Guay
series edited by Pierre Beaudet


From Enlightenment Philosophy to Canadian History

by (author) E.A. Heaman

Along the Integral Margin

Uneven Development in a Myanmar Squatter Settlement

by (author) Stephen Campbell

Winning by Process

The State and Neutralization of Ethnic Minorities in Myanmar

by (author) Jacques Bertrand, Alexandre Pelletier & Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung

Autour de Chantal Mouffe

Le politique en conflit

edited by Linda Cardinal & Pascale Devette
contributions by Stéphane Vibert, Xavier Bériault, Claude Denis, Dan Furukawa Marques, Robert Sparling, Guillaume Garreta, Marie-Christine Doran & Chantal Mouffe

Tableau d'avancement IV

Un Canada français à ré-inventer

by (author) Gilles Paquet

50 ans de bilinguisme officiel

Défis, analyses et témoignages

edited by Richard Clément & Pierre Foucher
contributions by Graham Fraser, Pierre Curzi, Stéphane Dion, François Boileau, Roger Turenne, Raymond-M Hébert, Sherry Simon, Michelle Landry, Ingride Roy, Matthieu LeBlanc, Éric Forgues, Maurice Beaudin, Mark Power, Perri Ravon, Albert Nolette & Andy Anstett

Gouvernance corporative

Une entrée en matières

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Tableau d'avancement II

Essais exploratoires sur la gouvernance d'un certain Canada français

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Pasquinade en F

Essais à rebrousse-poil

by (author) Gilles Paquet

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