Browse Books in Political Ideologies

One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This

The Left in Power
Bob Rae’s NDP and the Working Class

Thinking Systematics
Critical-Dialectical Reasoning for a Perilous Age and a Case for Socialism

The Crisis of Social Reproduction
Silvia Federici and Mariarosa Dalla Costa in conversation with Louise Toupin

Eros and Alienation
Capitalism and the Making of Gendered Sexualities

Communism National and International
Eastern Europe after Stalin

Politics of Survival
The Conservative Part of Canada, 1939-1945

The Public Purse
A Study in Canadian Democracy

The Changing Conditions of Politics

English Character and the English Literary Tradition

Democratic Government and Politics
Third Revised Edition

Canadian Labour in Politics

Soldiers of the International
A History of the Communist Party of Canada, 1919-1929

Confronting Illiberalism
A Canadian Perspective

The Great Right North
Inside Far-Right Activism in Canada

Irrational Publics and the Fate of Democracy

Writing Revolution
Representation, Rhetoric, and Revolutionary Politics

It’s Nation Time
A Progressive Defence

Strong and Free
My Journey in Alberta Politics

Strong and Free
My Journey in Alberta Politics

The Challenges of the New Social Democracy
Social Capital and Civic Association or Class Struggle?

Breaking Free of Neoliberalism: Canada's Challenge
What it will take to deal with American decline, inequality and the climate crisis

The Trudeau Record: Promise v. Performance
25 independent experts assess key issues from housing to health care

Shadows of Tyranny
Defending Democracy in an Age of Dictatorship