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Browse Books in Political Ideologies

Reasoning Otherwise

Leftists and the People’s Enlightenment in Canada, 1890-1920

by (author) Ian McKay

Unlikely Utopia

The Surprising Triumph Of Canadian Multiculturalism

by (author) Michael Adams

Reconquering Canada

Quebec Federalists Speak Up for ChangeQuebec Federalists Speak Up for ChangeQuebec Federalists Speak Up for Change

edited by Andre Pratte
translated by Patrick Watson
foreword by John Ralston Saul

Reimagining Politics after the Terror

The Republican Origins of French Liberalism

by (author) Andrew Jainchill

French Kiss

Stephen Harper's Blind Date with Quebec

by (author) Chantal Hebert

Internationalization and Canadian Agriculture

Policy and Governing Paradigms

by (author) Grace Skogstad

Daring to Struggle, Failing to Win

The Red Army Faction's 1977 Campaign of Desperation

by (author) J. Smith & André Moncourt

Butterfly Mind /hc

Revolution, Recovery, and One Reporter's Road to Understanding China

by (author) Patrick Brown

The Shock Doctrine

The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

by (author) Naomi Klein

Categorically Incorrect

Ethical Fallacies in Canada's War on Terror

by (author) A. Alan Borovoy

Categorically Incorrect

Ethical Fallacies in Canada's War on Terror

by (author) A. Alan Borovoy

Categorically Incorrect

Ethical Fallacies in Canada's War on Terror

by (author) A. Alan Borovoy

Navigating Neoliberalism

Self-Determination and the Mikisew Cree First Nation

by (author) Gabrielle Slowey

Where Hope Takes Root

Democracy and Pluralism in an Interdependent World

by (author) Aga Khan
introduction by Andrienne Clarkson

A Secret Trial

Brian Mulroney and the Public Trust

by (author) William Kaplan

Classical Debates for the 21st Century

Rethinking Political Thought

by (author) Thomas Hueglin

Why Democracy?

by (author) Paul Fairfield

Governing the Post-Communist City

Institutions and Democratic Development in Prague

by (author) Martin Horak

Hierarchies of Belonging

National Identity and Political Culture in Scotland and Quebec

by (author) Ailsa Henderson

Multicultural Nationalism

Civilizing Difference, Constituting Community

by (author) Gerald Kernerman

Liberalism, Nationalism, Citizenship

Essays on the Problem of Political Community

by (author) Ronald Beiner


A History of Ideas

by (author) Boris DeWiel

Talk of the Nation

Language and Conflict in Romania and Slovakia

by (author) Zsuzsa Csergo

On the Move

The Politics of Social Change in Latin America

by (author) Henry Veltmeyer

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