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Browse Books in International Relations

Game Changer

The Impact of 9/11 on North American Security

edited by Jonathan Paquin & Patrick James

Assessing Treaty Performance in China

Trade and Human Rights

by (author) Pitman B. Potter

International and Transnational Criminal Law, 2/e

by (author) Robert J. Currie & Joseph Rikhof

International Law, 2/e

Doctrine, Practice, and Theory

by (author) John H. Currie, Craig Forcese, Joanna Harrington & Valerie Oosterveld

Uneasy Neighbo(u)rs

Canada, The USA and the Dynamics of State, Industry and Culture

by (author) David Kilgour & David T. Jones

A National Force

The Evolution of Canada’s Army, 1950-2000

by (author) Peter Kasurak

Partners and Rivals

The Uneasy Future of China's Relationship with the United States

by (author) Wendy Dobson

On Western Terrorism

by (author) Noam Chomsky & Andre Vltchek

Canada’s Global Villagers

CUSO in Development, 1961-86

by (author) Ruth Compton Brouwer

Political Responsibility Refocused

Thinking Justice after Iris Marion Young

edited by Genevieve Fuji Johnson & Loralea Michaelis

Water without Borders?

Canada, the United States, and Shared Waters

edited by Emma S. Norman, Alice Cohen & Karen Bakker

Action and Reaction in the World System

The Dynamics of Economic and Political Power

by (author) Thierry de Montbrial

Can the World Tolerate an Iran with Nuclear Weapons?

The Munk Debate on Iran

by (author) Amos Yadlin, Charles Krauthammer, Fareed Zakaria & Vali Nasr
edited by Rudyard Griffiths

Empire's Ally

Canada and the War in Afghanistan

by (author) Jerome Klassen & Greg Albo

Cuba and Its Neighbours

Democracy in Motion

by (author) Arnold August

Canada Looks South

In Search of an Americas Policy

by (author) Peter McKenna

Negotiating Freer Trade

The United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and the Trade Agreements of 1938

by (author) Ian M. Drummond & Norman Hillmer

Slouching Towards Sirte

NATO's War on Libya and Africa

by (author) Maximilian Forte

A Season In Hell

by (author) Robert Fowler

Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith

Religion in American War and Diplomacy

by (author) Andrew Preston

Made in Madagascar

Sapphires, Ecotourism, and the Global Bazaar

by (author) Andrew Walsh

North America in Question

Regional Integration in an Era of Economic Turbulence

by (author) Jeffrey Ayres & Laura Macdonald

Raising the Workers' Flag

The Workers' Unity League of Canada, 1930-1936

by (author) Stephen Endicott

The Uncertain Business of Doing Good

Outsiders in Africa

by (author) Larry Krotz

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