Browse Books in Political Science

Behind the Jester's Mask
Canadian Editorial Cartoons About Dominant and Minority Groups 1960-1979

Canada and International Civil Aviation 1932-1948

The State, Business, and Industrial Change in Canada

Trygve Lie and the Cold War
The UN Secretary-General Pursues Peace, 1946-1953
Provincial and Teritorial Legislatures I

Liberalism, Community, and Culture
Beyond the Vote
Canadian Women and Politics

Coffee and Democracy in Modern Costa Rica

Domestic Battleground
Canada and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Découvrons Notre Patrimoine
Guide des plaques historiques de l'Ontario

How Ottawa Spends, 1989-1990
The Buck Stops Where?

How Ottawa Spends, 1989-1990
The Buck Stops Where?
Democratic Government in Canada.

Democratic Government in Canada, 5th Ed

The Social Credit Phenomenon

Collective Bargaining and the Public Interest
A Welfare Economics Assessment

Human Rights and Social Technology
The New War on Discrimination

Psychology and Deterrence

Our Man in Moscow
A Diplomat's Reflections on the Soviet Union
Liberation Deferred?
The Ideas of the English-Canadian Suffragists

Benjamin Disraeli Letters
1842-1847, Volume IV

Fur Trade to Free Trade
Putting the Canada-U.S. Trade Agreement in Historical Perspective

Hostage to Fortune
Bantry Bay and the Encounter with Gulf Oil
Political Economy of Pensions, The
Power, Politics and Social Change in Canada, Britain and the United States