Browse Books in Political Science
Regulating Sex
An Anthology of Commentaries on the Findings and Recommendations of the Badgley and Fraser Reports
National Politics and Community in Canada

The Free Trade Papers

Tug of War
Ottawa and the Provinces Under Trudeau and Mulroney

On the Job
Confronting the Labour Process in Canada

You've got ten minutes to get that flag down...
Proceedings of The Halifax Conference:A National Forum on Canadian Cultural Policy
Canada Among Nations 1985
The Conservative Agenda

Public Policies and Political Development in Canada

Essays on French History and Historians
Volume XX

'Honest Enough to Be Bold'
The Life and Times of Sir James Pliny Whitney

The Making of a Peacemonger
The Memoirs of George Ignatieff

The Quest for Justice
Aboriginal Peoples and Aboriginal Rights
The Man from Halifax
Sir John Thompson, Prime Minister

Canada and the Birth of Israel
A Study in Canadian Foreign Policy

Essays on French History and Historians
Volume XX

The Making of a Peacemonger
The Memoirs of George Ignatieff

Canada and the Birth of Israel
A Study in Canadian Foreign Policy

Regulations, Crown Corporations and Administrative Tribunals
Royal Commission

'Honest Enough to Be Bold'
The Life and Times of Sir James Pliny Whitney
The Politics of Canadian Public Policy

National Implementation of the Future Chemical Weapons Convention

Jamaica Under Manley
Dilemmas of Socialism and Democracy