Browse Books in Political Science

Tin-Pots and Pirate Ships
Canadian Naval Forces and German Sea Raiders 1880-1918

Policing a Pioneer Province
The BC Provincial Police 1858-1950

Submarine Dead Ahead!
Waging Peace in America's Nuclear Colony

Debating Canada's Future
Views from the Left

Confederation in Crisis

The Strangers Next Door

Our Canada

Justice in Our Time
The Japanese Canadian Redress Settlement

Election Broadcasting In Canada

Media And Voters In Canadian Election Campaigns

Youth in Canadian Politics
Volume 8 Participation and Involvement

Comparative Issues in Party and Election Finance
Volume 4 of the Research Studies

Media, Elections, And Democracy: Royal Commission on Electoral Reform
The Politics of Public Spending in Canada

Administering Danger in the Workplace
The Law and Politics of Occupational Health and Safety Regulation in Ontario 1850-1914
The Beauharnois Scandal
A Story of Canadian Entrepreneurship and Politics

Patrons, Clients, Brokers
Ontario Society and Politics, 1791-1896

Canada 1900-1945

Making Culture
English-Canadian Institutions and the Arts before the Massey Commission

Devolution and Constitutional Development in the Canadian North

Cracking the Canadian Formula
The Making of the Energy & Chemical Workers Union

By Loving our Own
George Grant and the Legacy of Lament For a Nation