Browse Books in Political Science

Disarmament's Missing Dimension
A U.N. Agency to Administer Multilateral Treaties

Undiplomatic Notes
Tales from the Canadian Foreign Service
Psychological Analysis and the Philosophy of John Stuart Mill

Beyond Nuclear Thinking

Between War and Peace in Central America
Choices For Canada

Administering Danger in the Workplace
The Law and Politics of Occupational Health and Safety Regulation in Ontario 1850-1914

Federalism and Political Community
Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley

Political Choices and Electoral Consequences
A Study of Organized Labour and the New Democratic Party

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Canadian Society
A Guide to the Literature

Writers in Prison

Patrons, Clients, Brokers
Ontario Society and Politics, 1791-1896

Game Planners
Transforming Canada's Sport System

False Alarm
The Computerization of Eight Social Welfare Organizations

Rome in Canada
The Vatican and Canadian Affairs in the Late Victorian Age

Making Culture
English-Canadian Institutions and the Arts before the Massey Commission

Ideology and Class Conflict in Jamaica
The Politics of Rebellion

Accidental Nuclear War
Proceedings of the Eighteenth Pugwash Workshop on Nuclear Forces

How Ottawa Spends, 1990-1991
Tracking the Second Agenda

How Ottawa Spends, 1990-1991
Tracking the Second Agenda

Canada Among Nations, 1989
The Challenge of Change

The New Republic
A Commentary on Book I of More’s Utopia Showing Its Relation to Plato’s Republic

Unemployment and Welfare
Social Policy and the Work of Social Work