Browse Books in Political Science

The Future Is Now
Solving the Climate Crisis with Today's Technologies

The Rise of the Infrastructure State
How US–China Rivalry Shapes Politics and Place Worldwide
The Politics of Investment Treaties in Latin America
Public Policy to Reduce Inequalities across Europe
Hope Versus Reality

The Petroleum Papers
Inside the Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change

Rights and the City
Problems, Progress, and Practice

Lady Justice
Women, the Law, and the Battle to Save America

The Living from the Dead
Disaffirming Biopolitics

Toxic Immanence
Decolonizing Nuclear Legacies and Futures

Voluntary and Forced Migration in Latin America
Law and Policy Reforms

CETA Implementation and Implications
Unravelling the Puzzle

Harvesting Labour
Tobacco and the Global Making of Canada's Agricultural Workforce

The Canadian Federal Election of 2021

Multilateral Sanctions Revisited
Lessons Learned from Margaret Doxey

Extractive Industry and the Sustainability of Canada's Arctic Communities

Legislatures in Evolution / Les législatures en transformation

The City Google Couldn't Buy

Gentrification Is Inevitable and Other Lies

Canada Must Think for Itself
10 theses for our country's survival & success in the 21st century

The Shortest History of War
From Hunter-Gatherers to Nuclear Superpowers — A Retelling for Our Times

Vancouver Ltd.

Escape from the Wildfire
International Law, 3/e
Doctrine, Practice, and Theory
International Law
Doctrine, Practice, and Theory, Third Edition