Browse Books in Political Science

Religion in Global Health and Development
The Case of Twentieth-Century Ghana

Why We Fight
The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace
The Government Party
Political Dominance in Democracy

Tiny Engines of Abundance
A History of Peasant Productivity and Repression

Zapantera Negra
An Artistic Encounter Between Black Panthers and Zapatistas (New & Updated Edition)

22 Murders
Investigating the Massacres, Cover-up and Obstacles to Justice in Nova Scotia

Middle Power in the Middle East
Canada's Foreign and Defence Policies in a Changing Region

Natural Resource-Based Development in Africa
Panacea or Pandora's Box?

The Age of Consequence
The Ordeals of Public Policy in Canada

A Feast of Flowers
Race, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in Ecuador

Xi Jinping
Political Career, Governance, and Leadership, 1953-2018

Disarm, Defund, Dismantle
Police Abolition in Canada

Banning Transgender Conversion Practices
A Legal and Policy Analysis

Constitutionalizing Criminal Law

Canada and China
A Fifty-Year Journey

The Little Book
Story Reader for a Free Ukraine

Trump Trudeau Tweets Truth
A Conversation

Trump, Trudeau, Tweets, Truth
A Conversation

Voting in Quebec Municipal Elections
A Tale of Two Cities

Le féodalisme dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent
Un problème historiographique
The Struggle Over Independence

Inspiring Canadians
Forty Brilliant Canadians and Their Visions for the Nation
All is Well
Catastrophe and the Making of the Normal State