Browse Books in Political Science

Changing Politics of Canadian Social Policy

Collected Works of George Grant
Volume 1 (1933-1950)

Enemies Within
Italian and Other Internees in Canada and Abroad

Citizenship in Diverse Societies

Culture, Citizenship, and Community
A Contextual Exploration of Justice as Evenhandedness
Rehabilitating the Old City of Beijing
A Project in the Ju'er Hutong Neighbourhood

Globalization and the Decline of Social Reform
Into the Twenty-First Century

Compatible Cultural Democracy
The Key to Development in Africa

Configuring Gender
Explorations in Theory and Politics

Peace, Justice and Freedom
Human Rights Challenges for the New Millennium
The Political Economy of the Environment
The Case of Japan

Governing Modern Societies

Ringing in the Common Love of Good
The United Farmers of Ontario, 1914-1916

Unnatural Harvest
How Genetic Engineering is Altering Our Food

Sense of Their Duty
Middle-Class Formation in Victorian Ontario Towns

The Metamorphoses of Landscape and Community in Early Quebec

Aboriginal Rights and Self-Government
The Canadian and Mexican Experience in North American Perspective

Metamorphoses of Landscape and Community in Early Quebec

From Pluralist to Patriotic Politics
Putting Practice First

The Life and Work of Catherine Bauer, 1905-64

Le Regime Politique Canadien

Managing the Environmental Union
Intergovernmental Relations and Environment Policy in Canada

Restraining Equality
Human Rights Commissions in Canada

The Courage to Lead
Transform Self, Transform Society