Browse Books in Political Science

Chief Justice W.R. Jackett
By the Law of the Land

Stjepan Radic, The Croat Peasant Party, and the Politics of Mass Mobilization, 1904-1928

Citizens and Nation
An Essay on History, Communication, and Canada

Steering the Course
A Memoir

Stjepan Radic, The Croat Peasant Party, and the Politics of Mass Mobilization, 1904-1928

Multiculturalism and the History of Canadian Diversity

Steering the Course
A Memoir

Globalization and the Meaning of Canadian Life

Canada's National System of Innovation

Dark Side of the Nation
Essays on Multiculturalism, Nationalism, and Gender

Ethics and Capitalism
Health Care Practitioners
An Ontario Case Study in Policy Making

The Social Sustainability of Cities
Diversity and the Management of Change

Transforming Development
Foreign Aid for a Changing World

Finding Our Sea Legs
Linking Fishery People and Their Knowledge with Science and Management

Just Fish
Ethics and Canadian Marine Fisheries

Citizenship, Diversity, and Pluralism
Canadian and Comparative Perspectives

The Charter Revolution and the Court Party

Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage
A Global Challenge

The Social Sustainability of Cities
Diversity and the Management of Change

Rereading Power and Freedom in J.S. Mill

Health Care Practitioners
An Ontario Case Study in Policy Making
Democracy Beyond the State
The European Dilemma and the Emerging Global Order