Browse Books in Political Science

More with Less
Work Reorganization in the Canadian Mining Industry

Ethnicity, Politics, and Public Policy
Case Studies in Canadian Diversity

Making Every Vote Count
Reassessing Canada's Electoral System

Voluntary Initiatives
The New Politics of Corporate Greening

Issues In Defence Management

Bush Telegraph
Discovering the Pacific Province
China in the 1990s, 2nd Edition
Revised Edition
New Military Humanism
Lessons From Kosovo

The Quebec Decision
Perspectives on the Supreme Court Ruling on Secession

J.B. McLachlan: A Biography
The Story of a Legendary Labour Leader and the Cape Breton Coal Miners

Citizens or Consumers?
Social Policy in a Market Society

Innovation Systems in a Global Context
The North American Experience
The World Trade Organization
A Citizen's Guide

Theorizing Nationalism

Political Management in Canada
Constructing the Quebec Referendum
French and English Media Voices

The Myth of Green Marketing
Tending Our Goats at the Edge of Apocalypse

My Recollection of Chicago and the Doctrine of Laissez Faire

What Kind of Democracy? What Kind of Market?
Latin America in the Age of Neoliberalism
Regulatory Institutions in N.A.

Game Theory and Canadian Politics

Doctor Dilemma
Public Policy and the Changing Role of Physicians Under Ontario Medicare

The North Pacific Triangle
The United States, Japan, and Canada at Century's End