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Political Science Human Rights

Giving Meaning to Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

edited by Isfahan Merali & Valerie Oosterveld

University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Initial publish date
Jul 2001
Human Rights
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Jul 2001
    List Price
    $59.95 USD

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, arguably the founding document of the human rights movement, fully embraces economic, social, and cultural rights, as well as civil and political rights, within its text. However, for most of the fifty years since the Declaration was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, the focus of the international community has been on civil and political rights. This focus has slowly shifted over the past two decades. Recent international human rights treaties—such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women—grant equal importance to protecting and advancing nonpolitical rights.
In this collection of essays, Isfahan Merali, Valerie Oosterveld, and a team of human rights scholars and activists call for the reintegration of economic, social, and cultural rights into the human rights agenda. The essays are divided into three sections. First the contributors examine traditional conceptualizations of human rights that made their categorization possible and suggest a more holistic rights framework that would dissolve such boundaries. In the second section they discuss how an integrated approach actually produces a more meaningful analysis of individual economic, social, and cultural rights. Finally, the contributors consider how these rights can be monitored and enforced, identifying ways international human rights agencies, NGOs, and states can promote them in the twenty-first century.

About the authors

Isfahan Merali's profile page

Valerie Oosterveld is a professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Ontario, where she teaches, inter alia, public International Law, capstone in international law, and outer space law. She holds a BSocSc from the University of Ottawa, an LLB from the University of Toronto, and an LLM and JSD from Columbia Law School. Her research and writing focus on gender issues within international criminal justice and, more recently, outer space law. Before joining the faculty in 2005, Professor Oosterveld served in the Legal Affairs Bureau of Canada’s (then) Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. In this role, she provided legal advice on international criminal accountability for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. She was a member of the Canadian delegation to the International Criminal Court (ICC) negotiations, as well as the subsequent ICC Assembly of States Parties and the 2010 Review Conference of the Rome Statute of the ICC. She is a member of the Ontario bar.

Valerie Oosterveld's profile page

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