Browse Books in Political Science

EcoCities (PDF)
Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature (Revised Edition)

Social Fabric or Patchwork Quilt
The Development of Social Policy in Canada

Reengineering the State
Towards an Impoverishment of Quebec Governance

Perspectives on the Canadian Way of War
Serving the National Interest

How Canada's Pretend Foreign Policy Has Undermined Sovereignty

Culture of Ecology
Reconciling Economics and Environment

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1948-1957
Community or Alliance?

Visiting Grandchildren
Economic Development in the Maritimes

Political Thought in Canada
An Intellectual History

Community Mental Health in Canada
Policy, Theory, and Practice

Working in a Global Era
Canadian Perspectives

Public Science, Private Interests
Culture and Commerce in Canada's Networks of Centres of Excellence

Continuity and Change in Canadian Politics
Essays in Honour of David E. Smith

Sober Reflections
Commerce, Public Health, and the Evolution of Alcohol Policy in Canada, 1980-2000

Mothers of the Nation
Women, Families, and Nationalism in Twentieth-Century Europe

Canada's Economic Apartheid
The Social Exclusion of Racialized Groups in the New Century

Inside Gomery

Innovation, Science, Environment 06/07
Canadian Policies and Performance, 2006-2007

Manchuria Under Japanese Dominion

Feeding the Future
From Fat to Famine: How to Solve the World's Food Crises

Nature's Revenge
Reclaiming Sustainability in an Age of Corporate Globalization

As Others See Us
The Causes and Consequences of Foreign Perceptions of America

Dialogue On Democracy
The Lafontaine Baldwin Lectures 2000 To 2005