Browse Books in Political Science

The Governance of Privacy
Policy Instruments in Global Perspective

Partisanship, Globalization, and Canadian Labour Market Policy
Four Provinces in Comparative Perspective

Gay Marriage
The Story of a Canadian Social Revolution

Insurgency Online
Web Activism and Global Conflict
Canada: The State of the Federation, 2004
Municipal-Federal-Provincial Relations in Canada

Enough Blood Shed
101 Solutions to Violence, Terror and War

Enough Blood Shed (PDF)
101 Solutions to Violence, Terror and War

The Nisga'a Treaty
Polling Dynamics and Political Communication in Comparative Context

Not for Sale
Decommodifying Public Life

Drifting Together
The Political Economy of Canada-US Integration

E-Government in Canada
Transformation for the Digital Age

Empire’s Law
The American Imperial Project and the War to Remake the World

Differences That Matter
Social Policy and the Working Poor in the United States and Canada

Against the Draft
Essays on Conscientious Objection from the Radical Reformation to the Second World War

The Egalitarian Conscience
Essays in Honour of G. A. Cohen

Tales of Two Cities
Women and Municipal Restructuring in London and Toronto

The Language of Canadian Politics
A Guide to Important Terms and Concepts

Towards a Francophone Community
Canada's Relations with France and French Africa, 1945-1968

Social Policy and Practice in Canada
A History

Bottom Line, The
The truth behind private health insurance in Canada

Margin of Terror
A Reporter's 20-Yr Odyssey Covering Tragedies of the Air India

A Bed of Red Flowers
In Search of My Afghanistan

Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 2000

Against Judicial Activism
The Decline of Freedom and Democracy in Canada